The Brynnan Family Adoption

Celebrating the Brynnan family is something that is effortless to do. This family of five’s story is one that is worth the read.
Dawn Brynnan is an incredible woman who was raised by her wonderful grandma who had ten children and 26 grandchildren. It was a home full of love, laughter, and endless fun. She knew from a young age that this type of home filled with a large family is exactly the future she wanted.
When Dawn got married, her spouse had a desire to adopt through foster care because she had spent time in foster care as a child. They had one biological child and then started foster care, but they decided it was not right for their family at that time.
It was devastating to Dawn, and later in time Dawn and her spouse filed for divorce. Foster care was something that had never left Dawn’s heart, so she opened her home up again and started saying “yes” to some amazing kids.
Two kids that captured her heart were Chey and Benjamin. These two siblings were in her home for 11 months and then left to return to family members. Their leaving left Dawn’s heart shattered. She didn’t know if she could open up her home again because the pain was just too much.
After some time, Dawn’s daughter asked why they had stopped getting calls for more kids to come to their home. Dawn replied that they were still getting calls, but she had said no to all of them, and she didn’t know if she could keep doing this. But this wise child of hers replied saying that there were still families that needed help, and she knew that they could be the ones to help them.
So they did, and sweet Mya came into their home. Mya stole hearts and made herself right at home. One and a half years after Mya came, Benjamin and Chey came back as well! Dawn said once she had these kids back, a piece of her heart came back too.
These five knew they were meant to be a family. After quite the process of waiting, Mya was adopted along with Ben and Chey’s adoption just a few months later.
Since then, this family has felt complete. Their current favorite memory is the adoption trip they all took together. It was a road trip out of state, and it was the first time they did not have to ask for a social worker’s permission.
The kids chanted as they crossed the border, “Who’s in charge? Mommy Dawn! Who are we going to ask? Nobody!” Dawn looks back on this memory fondly. The sound of all the kids laughing in the back seat and having the best time is something she will always remember. This was one of the first moments that they felt like a real family. Forever.