Children’s Hope is a non-profit 501(c)(3) that partners with community members, organizations, businesses, and donors like you to help us achieve our mission in support of foster children and transition age youth. All contributions are tax-deductible.
There are many ways to help a foster child in need. One way, by becoming a Resource Parent, you can care for, love, and provide a stable home environment for a foster child. Another way to help is by donating items that foster children might not be able to take with them when removed from their homes. Comfort items like stuffed animals, toys, and books can be great items to donate. We also accept donations of suitcases, clothing, hygiene products, school supplies, and gift cards for holiday and birthday gifts.
Monetary contributions are also welcomed by Children’s Hope and are allocated to support counseling, support Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (S.T.E.M.) programs, our Leaps and Bounds program, therapeutic care boxes, educational tutoring, extracurricular sports and activities, and emergency placement supplies.
Children’s Hope covers 100% of costs related to education, counseling, transportation, and other programs for foster children. Through our Leaps and Bounds Program we cover 50% of the cost for foster children who would like to participate in extracurricular activities such as sports programs, dance classes, martial arts, music lessons, summer camps, and many more social development opportunities.
With your financial support, we can help foster children build confidence, motivation, and determination in these programs that help develop skills for the rest of their lives.
If you would like to donate items or provide a monetary donation in person for foster children, please contact the closest office to you found here.
Click here for more information on Foster Care
Our 18-24-year-old transition-age youth are always in need of support as they transition into adulthood. In-kind donations like new beds and bedding, home furnishings, appliances, clothing, basic kitchen essentials, and personal hygiene products are always welcome to help support our THP program.
Monetary donations can also help a transition-age youth with rent, utilities, household items, school fees, and many other essentials needed to progress in daily life.
If you would like to donate items or provide a monetary donation in person for transition-age youth, please contact the closest office found here.