Children’s Hope Resource Parents

Whether you are just starting your journey of becoming a resource parent or have been with our agency for many years, continuing education and training are a pivotal part of our partnered success. Training courses can help you become better equipped to handle adverse situations in your home and in the life of your foster child. All our training courses can be found at Foster Parent College

A Letter to Resource Parents:

Dear Resource Parents,

One of the most important challenges you will ever have is the role of a resource parent. Vitally important to our foster children and transitional age youth is the challenge we share in trying to repair a breakdown in the normal or traditional family structure and lifestyle.

We appreciate the contribution made by our current resource parents and staff and welcome you to our “extended family.” We share with you the desire to make a difference in the lives of the children and transitional age youth we serve. An appropriate sentiment that is applicable to the roles we play as we set out on the path to making a difference in the lives of these young people who have suffered from both physical and emotional trauma. I find these words by Forest Witcraft to be very enlightening and I hold these words close and dear to my heart.

“A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove. But the world may be different because I was important in the life of a [child].”

Being a resource parent is not an easy job. We hope, however, with the support of our professional staff you will find it to be very successful and self-rewarding. As a resource parent, you will become acquainted with a legal and social network. We will make every effort to provide assistance and support services as you set out on this wonderful journey to help change a child’s or transitional age youth’s life.

One of my personal goals is to ensure that I meet with resource parents and follow up on their experience and be able to share that experience with future resource parents. Our goal is that by partnering together as an extended family team we live up to our mission statement:

We provide hope and nurturing guidance to our resource parents, foster children, and transition-age youth through compassionate professional services.

Very Truly Yours,
Benjamin E. Payne